2021-2022 Westbrook Board of Education Goals

Goal #1: To Promote High Expectations For Teaching and Learning

Action Steps

  • Collaborate with and support the superintendent to develop district vision focused on student achievement, equity, and access. (Teaching and Learning-Curriculum)
  • Develop new budget goals and guidelines to support teaching and learning. (Fiscal and Budget)
  • Develop Teaching and Learning BOE Committee (Teaching and Learning-Curriculum)
  • Collaborate and support the superintendent to develop an inclusive process for stakeholders to communicate values and beliefs about the Westbrook Portrait of a Graduate; (Teaching and Learning-Curriculum)

Evidence and Timelines

  • Teaching and Learning BOE Committee agendas, minutes, purpose, and meeting schedule; 
  • BOE agendas, minutes, and enclosures related to Westbrook Portrait of a Graduate
  • Westbrook Portrait of a Graduate
  • BOE member(s) attend professional development workshops, webinars, etc. related to teaching and learning (workshop dates, agendas, handouts, etc., BOE presentations)

Goal #2: To Increase BOE Communication and Community Relations

Action Steps

  • Develop and publicize BOE calendar of all committee and BOE meetings, including enclosures and presentations; 
  • Develop Communication and Community Relations BOE Committee (Communication and Marketing)
    • Evaluate priorities and needs related to communication and community relations
    • Develop a plan of action to address these priorities
  • Improve the accessibility of the Board of Education section of Westbrook Public Schools website to include BOE calendar, meeting minutes, enclosures, goals, member contact information/pictures, BOE group picture; belief statements related to district goals and superintendent goals; (Communication and Marketing)
  • Communicate pride in programs and initiatives in Westbrook Public Schools to market and support schools in the community through Westbrook Events, BOE section of the website, press releases, etc.
  • Research and share with BOE and superintendent exemplars of other high performing district websites and BOE communication tools/work; (Communication and Marketing)
  • Participate in professional development opportunities related to communication and community relations; (Communication and Marketing)


  • Communication and Community Relations BOE Committee agendas, minutes, purpose, and meeting schedule; 
  • Website changes
  • Press releases, Westbrook Events, Harbor News, and similar 
  • BOE member(s) attend professional development workshops, webinars, etc. related to communication and community relations (workshop dates, agendas, handouts, etc., BOE presentations)

Goal #3: To Promote Board Leadership and Professional Growth

Action Steps

  • Review and Effectively Employ Code of Ethics
  • Review and Effectively Employ Code of Conduct
  • Review and Effectively Employ Roles and Responsibilities
  • Network with BOEs of Distinction
  • Attend professional development opportunities


  • BOE member(s) attend professional development workshops, webinars, etc. related to BOE leadership, BOE of distinction, etc. (workshop dates, agendas, handouts, etc., BOE presentations);
  • BOE member(s) communication/collaborate with other BOEs who have achieved Distinction status;

Goal #4: Use Board Policy to Guide BOE Decision Making

Action Steps

  • Invest in CABE online policy service to improve access to and communication of policies (ASAP); (Policy)
  • Publish all policies to the district website (work with Communications and Community Relations BOE Committee on website look and placement related to policy and BOE section); (Policy)
  • Participate in professional development related to policy and CT school law (Policy)


  • BOE member(s) attend professional development workshops, webinars, etc. related to policy, etc. (workshop dates, agendas, handouts, etc., BOE presentations);
  • Policy BOE Committee agendas, minutes, purpose, and meeting schedule; 
  • Updated Policy on BOE Website