2024-2025 Agendas
2024-2025 Agendas
- Agenda - August 13 - 2024 Special BOE Mtg.
- Agenda and Enclosures - August 13 - 2024 - Regular BOE Mtg.
- Agenda and Enclosure-September 10-2024 Fiscal and Facilities
- Agenda and Enclosures - September 10-2024 - Regular BOE Mtg.
- This meeting is postponed to a date TBD- Agenda and Enclosures-October 1-2024-Teaching and Learning Subcommittee
- This meeting is postponed to a date TBD-Agenda and Enclosures--October 1-2024-Policy Subcommittee
- Agenda - October 8-2024-Teaching and Learning
- Agenda and Enclosures- October 8 - 2024 Regular BOE Mtg.
- Agenda - October 8-2024-Communications and Marketing
- Agenda and Enclosure-Oct 23-2024-Policy Subcommittee
- POSTPONED-Date TBD: Agenda-November 12-2024-Fiscal and Facilities
- Agenda and Enclosures-November 12-2024-Reg BOE Mtg.
- Agenda and Enclosures Nov 19 2024 Policy Subcommittee Mtg
- Agenda- December 10 -2024-Fiscal and Facilities
- Agenda and Enclosures-December 10-2024-Regular BOE Mtg.
- Agenda-January 8-2025-Fiscal and Facilities Subcommittee
- Agenda - January 8-2025-Special BOE Meeting
- Agenda and Enclosures-January 14-2025 Regular BOE Mtg.
- Agenda - January 14-2025-POSTPONED-DATE TBD- Communications and Marketing
- Agenda-and Enclosures-January 27-2025-Policy Subcommittee Mtg
- Agenda-and Enclosures-February 11-2025-Regular BOE Mtg.