Westbrook Board of Education Guiding Beliefs
Students in the Westbrook Public Schools will...
- feel safe and respected and respect others,
- accept challenge,
- actively engage in learning,
- demonstrate what they know and can do,
- evaluate themselves, and
- understand that effort is critical to success.
Teachers in the Westbrook Public Schools ...
- use best practices to focus on students' learning,
- work cooperatively,
- meet the needs of all students by differentiating instruction,
- share strategies and knowledge as part of professional learning communities, and
- strive for continued learning to best serve our students.
The Westbrook School Community will ...
- celebrate the successes of students and teachers,
- provide the time and resources necessary to meet the needs of the students and staff,
- foster an environment of continuous improvement and professional development at all levels of the district,
- value the goals of each individual,
- use positive strategies to support student success, and
- emphasize the importance of education for our community.