Special Education Services

Francis A. Lagace, Director of Special Education and Student Services

Letter of Introduction

 Fran Lagace Introduction Letter.pdf 

Hello Parents, Guardians and Families,

I would like to formally introduce myself as the new Director of Special Services (since November 30, 2020) of Westbrook Public Schools!  My name is Fran Lagace and I come to Westbrook with 20 years of educational experience that includes nine years of teaching and eleven years in educational leadership.  As some of you may know, Madeline Illinger “retired” in June of 2020 but then stayed on in the role of Interim Director of Special Services until the end of November. 

It has certainly been challenging to “hit the ground running” in the middle of a school year during a global pandemic and the amazing staff and families here in Westbrook have been truly supportive and wonderful!  It has been my privilege and honor to meet many of you in meetings already since I started.  I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you to support you and your child(ren) in having the best and most successful, personalized educational experience here in Westbrook.

If you would like to contact my office and set up a time we can meet and discuss your child’s specific needs, or just to say “Hi,” please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the contact information above. You can also reach out to my administrative assistant, Jillian Carr at jcarr@westbrookctschools.org, to schedule a meeting.  Currently we are conducting all meetings remotely through Google Meet or by teleconference due to the pandemic conditions.

I look forward to meeting all of you and working with your grade level team to provide the very best services possible for your student(s)!


Sincerely and in partnership,




Fran Lagace

Director of Special Services

Westbrook Public Schools



cc  Dr. Kristina Martineau

     Jillian Carr

Westbrook Public Schools Vocational/Transitional Program

Westbrook Public Schools Vocational/Transitional Program

 Transition Program Flyer.pdf 

Westbrook Vocational/Transitional Program provides students, age 18 through the end of the school year they turn 22, with opportunities to increase their awareness of their own skills in the areas of day-to-day independent living, employment, social awareness and community resources after the completion of their academic credits towards a High School Diploma. Students receive training in these areas in order to grow their skills and knowledge toward independence and an improved quality of life.  Each students’ experiences are designed around the individual of each student as identified in each of their transitional goals within his/her Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Community Resources
Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS) : www.ct.gov/dds
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) : www.brs.state.ct.us
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) : www.ct.gov/dmhas
Department of Social Security (DSS): www.ct.gov/dss
Department of Labor (DOL) : www.ct.gov/dol

How to schedule a virtual appointment

To schedule an appointment with special education staff please click the link to the right.


To schedule an appointment with the Director of Special Education and Student Services, please contact Jillian Carr, student services administrative assistant. JCarr@westbrookctschools.org