"Mathematics, like other disciplines, is a way of approaching new challenges through calculation and high order thinking skills, such as exploring, reasoning, visualizing, and problem solving with the objective of communicating the correlations observed and solved."
Elementary Mathematics
Disclaimer: The elementary mathematics curriculum was fully written in its entirety as of August 24, 2023 and the third, fourth, and fifth grade curricula were revised a year later on September 5, 2024. All previous versions that were approved by various Boards of Education in the 2010s have since been revised. It is important to note that Investigations is no longer taught and that program was replaced with Bridges.
Contact Information: If you have any questions about the mathematics curricula, its instructional practices, and/or unit sequencing, please contact the Director of Teaching and Learning, at Thank you!
Middle School Mathematics
Disclaimer: WMS' entire math curriculum was reviewed by the Board of Education's Teaching and Learning Subcommittee on June 7, 2023 and again for approval on December 12, 2023. In the summer of 2023, each curriculum for grades six, seven, and eight was slightly revised to incorporate the new components of Westbrook Public Schools' curriculum template. Additionally, the seventh grade curriculum was revised again on August 19, 2024. Since then, the WMS math curriculum now includes the respective attribute(s) per Westbrook's Portrait of a Graduate, the applicable interdisciplinary approaches, and the recommended learner support strategies, all noted per unit.
Contact Information: If you have any questions about these updates, please contact the Director of Teaching and Learning at Thanks!
WMS Mathematics Philosophy and Program of Studies
Grade 8 Accelerated Algebra I Standards
High School Mathematics
Disclaimer 1: With the completion of the Precalculus curriculum, the high school mathematics curriculum was revised in its entirety as of May 2, 2024.
Disclaimer 2: Beginning in August 2026, we will adopt College Board's newly proposed A.P. Statistics framework. Beginning during the 2024 - 2025 school year, Westbrook will design an assessment matrix to meet these instructional changes.
Disclaimer 3: The financial algebra curriculum map adheres to the March 2024 guidance from the Connecticut State Department of Education's Financial Literacy Course Kit.
Disclaimer 4: A.P. Computer Science will be offered and taught in the fall of 2024. Please view the Computer Science curriculum page for that curriculum map, once completed.
Disclaimer 5: The Math Practices and Principles curriculum map was written on August 19, 2024 and will be implemented during the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Contact Information: If you have any questions about such curriculum plans, please contact the Director of Teaching and Learning at Thank you very much!
Financial Algebra Curriculum Map
Math Practices and Principles Review Curriculum Map
A.P. Computer Science Principles